Fordham University Church

Bronx, NY

University Church at Fordham University is the main chapel on campus. The lighting design goals for the 1854 structure were primarily to increase the light levels, which were extremely low, and to provide quality lighting in the sanctuary for webcasting of Mass. Our secondary requirements were to replace the existing 20-year-old dimming and control system with one that was more flexible and easier to use, and to reduce the connected load. 

The greatest challenge of this project was unobtrusively supplementing the existing illumination. The University was very clear that the new design should enhance, but not change, the ambience of the church. Each proposed addition or change was mocked up in situ for evaluation and approval by the stakeholders. 

Despite adding 235' of LED cove and five 575W framing projectors, the energy efficient re-lamping of the existing fixtures resulted in a 21% reduction in energy use. 

The second phase of renovation added new lights for the sanctuary and statuary in the transepts, integrating those lights into the existing presets. In the third phase, the church’s organ and organ loft at the rear of the nave were replaced and new lighting was added.

You can read a case study of this beautiful project here.



Consumers Energy Learning Lab


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